Pure Light Podcast

Episode 44: The upside of jealousy

Ever get jealous? Feel like that makes you a bad person? Learn how to use jealousy as fuel for personal growth (instead of as a reason to beat yourself up).    Resources & References Related episodes: The compulsion to compare Confidence myths

Episode 43: The stories we tell ourselves (but not others)

When things don’t turn out as hoped, how do you explain that to yourself? Do you just accept it and not think much of it? Or do you start to tell yourself stories to rationalize why things are the way they are, and why you are the way you are? The stories we tell ourselves […]

Episode 42: What your fear of judgment is trying to tell you

Ever worry about what other people will think? Wish you could stop? Fear of judgment isn’t here to torment you. It’s here to show you a fear or belief you have that you haven’t been willing to take responsibility for.   Resources & References Previous episodes mentioned in this episode: Fear of judgment Are you […]

Episode 38: Where limiting beliefs come from

Do you interpret life in a way that’s empowering, or disempowering? Limiting beliefs come from the assumptions we make about our experience of life. Even though those assumptions may or may not be true. The meaning that you make from an experience as it is totally up to you. It’s based entirely on the perspective […]

Episode 36: Trying to fit in

Do you ever feel like you should be someone you’re not? The desire to fit in can do that. Trying to fit in prevents you from owning all aspect of who you are, because you end up hiding the parts that you think others would find unacceptable. It’s a way of shrinking into a lesser […]

Episode 35: Are your excuses getting in your way?

Do you ever tell yourself, I can’t do that because _____? When you tell yourself that your dreams are crazy or impossible, or that you’re not capable of making them happen for whatever reason, you keep them out of reach. It’s a way of keeping yourself small and ignoring your desires. The problem here isn’t […]

Episode 33: Ever get in your own way? Try this

Have you been sabotaging yourself, beating yourself up, or feeling down or negative about yourself? Changing your state through breathing practices such as this one can help you feel better and diffuse any self-negativity. It can also help you break old habits that don’t support you being your best self. Try this Kundalini yogic breathing […]

Episode 31: Are you trying to be normal?

Ever feel like you’re trying to be normal? When you use normal as your compass, you lose touch with yourself, with who you are and with what you want. You end up replacing that with what you think you’re supposed to want, which means you miss out on all the things that make you special […]

Episode 30: The first step towards inner peace

Taking responsibility for your inner experience is the only way you can start to change it, and start on the path towards inner peace.   Resources & References “Inner peace begins the moment you choose not to allow another person or event to control your emotions.” –Pema Chödrön   Previous episode: Emotional clutter

Episode 29: Are you waiting for permission?

If you feel stuck, it could be sign that you’re searching for someone else to validate your choices.   Resources & References Book a free discovery call Kyle Cease’s site Kyle’s Facebook post on love