Episode 148: Two ways to be happier
What can you do to feel happier?
How can you increase your capacity for happiness and your emotional setpoint?
Episode 147: Emotional setpoint
Can you really be as happy as you decide to be?
Episode 146: Are thoughts about your future clouding the present?
Are you filtering what’s happening based on your assumptions about the future?
Episode 145: Are you responding or reacting?
Are you responding to what’s here and now? Or reacting based on something from the past?
Episode 144: Perspective & polarization
How does a deep divide get created within a group of people?
3 Kundalini meditations to release anger
When you do something to process anger, you don’t have to carry it with you.
Here are 3 ways to release anger using Kundalini meditation practices.
Episode 142: Healing individual & ancestral trauma with Demetria Jackson
How do you heal emotional wounds?
Episode 141: Two types of emotional clutter
How do we accumulate emotional clutter?
Episode 140: Are you ignoring your feelings?
Are you allowing your feelings to be what they are?
Or are you only allowing yourself to feel the ones you like?
Episode 139: How are you meeting the present moment?
Are you trying to shut down what’s happening right now?
Or opening up?