Episode 119: Negative thinking spirals
When you get caught up in a negative thinking spiral, how can you find your way out?
Episode 117: “I should feel…”
What happens when you judge your feelings?
What impact does it have on you when you tell yourself a story about how you “should” feel?
Episode 116: An unexpected way we numb ourselves
Do you talk yourself out of your feelings?
Episode 115: “I’ll feel better when…”
Are you waiting for something to happen in order for you to feel better?
Are you hoping something outside of you changes what’s going on inside of you?
Episode 114: Feeling all the pandemic feels
When strong emotions show up, do you welcome them and allow them to pass through you?
Or do you try to resist them and make them go away?
Episode 113: How to stay sane in the midst of a global pandemic
How do you prevent yourself from totally freaking out right now?
Episode 112: “This shouldn’t be happening.”
There’s a lot of stuff happening in the world right now that may lead to the thought, “This shouldn’t be happening.” As brutal as it may be, what can this pandemic teach us about resistance and acceptance?
Episode 110: Two kinds of hesitation
What is your hesitation trying to tell you?
Episode 109: Are you abandoning yourself?
When there’s a battle between your head and your heart, which one wins?
And how does that make you feel about yourself?
Episode 108: The moment you’re faced with uncertainty
What happens in the moment you’re faced with uncertainty?
Do you react out of habit, or make a conscious choice?