Episode 97: The choice you’re really making when you follow the rules inside your head
When there are rules inside your head, do you follow them?
What impact does that have on you?
Following the rules inside your head keeps the mind busy. But more than that, it makes you hate yourself.
Episode 96: “I’m trying to be good.”
Do you ever talk yourself out of what you want because you’re trying to be good?
As if the thing you really want is somehow bad?
Trying to be good is what makes you want to be bad.
Episode 95: Are you giving away your power?
Is the voice inside your head in charge of your life?
Or are you?
Episode 94: What happens when you follow the rules inside your head
When you follow the rules inside your head, you get into the habit of talking yourself out of how you feel and what you want.
And when that becomes a pattern, you lose touch with who you are.
Episode 93: The rules inside your head
Ever feel trapped because of the rules inside your head?
They aren’t here to torture you.
They’re here to reveal your beliefs about who you think you should be.
Episode 92: Permission
Do you allow yourself to do what feels right?
Or do you hold yourself back?
Episode 91: “But what will people think?”
Fear of what people will think isn’t really about what other people might think.
It’s about what you think.
Episode 90: A re-frame on self-doubt & negative thoughts
When self-doubt comes up, do you see it as a problem, or as a reason to stop?
How do you react to those negative thoughts?
And more importantly, how would you like to respond?
Episode 89: Are negative thoughts getting in your way?
When you think, “I can’t do that,” does that stop you? What would be possible for you if you didn’t let that get in your way?
Episode 88: The biggest way we set ourselves up for failure
When negative thoughts come up, do you act as if they’re true? Resources & References Related episodes & posts: Are you setting yourself up for failure? Two more ways we set ourselves up for failure The stories we tell ourselves (but not others) Automatic patterns The real point of meditation References: “Either you […]