Episode 13: How to get out of your head
Ever find yourself lost in thought? The moment you notice that your mind has wandered, you’re no longer thinking compulsively. The breath and body can bring you back into the present moment. Resources & References Video: The easiest way to get out of your head
Episode 12: Worry
Worry is just a mental habit. It’s often the result of unconsciously manipulating the breath. Resources & References “Breath is the bridge which connects life to consciousness, which unites your body to your thoughts. Whenever your mind becomes scattered, use your breath as the means to take hold of your mind again.” –Thich Nhat […]
Episode 11: Automatic patterns
The way your mind reacts to anything is the way your mind reacts to everything. It’s often so automatic that you don’t even notice it. But the more you pay attention to the reactions in your mind, the less reactive it will become. Resources & References The negative, positive & neutral mind (Kundalini yoga […]
Episode 8: The real point of meditation
Meditation gives you the power to change how you relate to your thoughts and choose which ones you want to believe. Resources & References Liz Gilbert’s post about her mind The biggest benefit of exploring your thoughts What happens when you start to meditate Learning to sit still (and love it) A meditation to […]
Episode 3: The compulsion to compare
Constantly comparing yourself to others isn’t proof that you’re defective. It’s just noise inside your head. Resources & References Percentage of women with body image issues Seth Godin’s podcast episode on Status Roles A meditation for perspective & emotional balance A meditation to help release worry & anxiety
A meditation for perspective & emotional balance
What do you do when you’re overwhelmed with stress or strong emotion? Try to keep it in, ignore it, or pretend it isn’t there (and then find yourself binging on food or Netflix later to deal)? Stress and strong emotions can be a lot to process, especially in the context of a busy life. It […]
A meditation to help release worry & anxiety
What can you do to turn things around when you’re bracing for the worst or seeing everything in a negative light? To be honest, I used to believe that the answer was nothing . . . which meant that I was completely powerless to do anything about it. It was only when I started meditating […]