Episode 18: The end of worry
Worry ends where trust begins. Resources & References “The best use of imagination is creativity. The worst use of imagination is anxiety.” –Deepak Chopra Related episode: Worry Video: How to keep your faith in the universe Video: 3 great reasons to let go of your expectations Video: Are you expecting the worst? Definition: Habit Meditation: A meditation […]
Episode 17: What we can all learn from Kate Spade
No one knows what’s going on inside you unless you tell them. If you need help, please ask for it. Resources & References Places to seek help: Canada: Suicide Prevention USA: National Suicide Prevention Lifeline Australia: Lifeline Europe: International Association for Suicide Prevention
Episode 16: Signs from the universe
Ever find yourself saying, “I just need a sign”? Looking for a sign outside of you can be a way of not listening to the signs inside of you. Resources & References My four leaf clover:
Episode 15: How to accept compliments (even when you don’t believe them)
You don’t necessarily need to believe a compliment in order to receive it well. But you do need to be willing to suspend your judgment that you are unworthy of receiving it. Resources & References Related episode: Automatic patterns
Episode 14: Procrastination & pre-requisites
Are you holding yourself back? If you want to do something, you don’t have to wait until you feel a certain way or other conditions are met. You can simply give yourself permission to start. Resources & References Sun Salutations
Episode 13: How to get out of your head
Ever find yourself lost in thought? The moment you notice that your mind has wandered, you’re no longer thinking compulsively. The breath and body can bring you back into the present moment. Resources & References Video: The easiest way to get out of your head
Episode 12: Worry
Worry is just a mental habit. It’s often the result of unconsciously manipulating the breath. Resources & References “Breath is the bridge which connects life to consciousness, which unites your body to your thoughts. Whenever your mind becomes scattered, use your breath as the means to take hold of your mind again.” –Thich Nhat […]
Episode 11: Automatic patterns
The way your mind reacts to anything is the way your mind reacts to everything. It’s often so automatic that you don’t even notice it. But the more you pay attention to the reactions in your mind, the less reactive it will become. Resources & References The negative, positive & neutral mind (Kundalini yoga […]
Episode 10: The voice inside your head
The voice inside your head is constantly making assumptions… which may or may not be true. You don’t have to believe everything you think. Resources & References Oprah and Brené Brown on Super Soul Sunday Photos of white tantric White Tantric Toronto
Episode 9: The dangers of self-definition
What ideas make up your sense of self? How you think about yourself determines—and limits—how you show up in the world. When you stop defining yourself, you’re free to be who you are. Resources & References “You are what your deep, driving desire is. As your desire is, so is your will. As your […]