Pure Light Podcast

Episode 8: The real point of meditation

Meditation gives you the power to change how you relate to your thoughts and choose which ones you want to believe.   Resources & References Liz Gilbert’s post about her mind The biggest benefit of exploring your thoughts What happens when you start to meditate Learning to sit still (and love it) A meditation to […]

Episode 7: What image are you trying to project?

When you’re trying to get people to think about you a certain way, you’re no longer free to be who you are.   Resources & References A more recent article on how hair affects professional image (the one I originally read was in 2004/2005):Is your hair holding you back?

Episode 6: The fear of missing out (aka fomo)

Giving in to the fear of missing out can lead you to miss out on something even greater: the life that you truly desire.   Resources & References Definition of fomo (fear of missing out)

Episode 5: “I can’t do that. I’m not that kind of person.”

Does your self-image ever get in your way? Changing what you believe about yourself isn’t about trying to convince yourself that you’re something you’re not. It happens naturally when you choose to show up in the world in a different way.   Resources & References Where limiting beliefs come from (the post about why I […]

Episode 4: Confidence myths

Confidence isn’t necessarily what you think it is. Your ideas about what it’s supposed to look like can prevent you from experiencing it for yourself.   Resources & References Definition of confidence  

Episode 3: The compulsion to compare

Constantly comparing yourself to others isn’t proof that you’re defective. It’s just noise inside your head.   Resources & References Percentage of women with body image issues Seth Godin’s podcast episode on Status Roles A meditation for perspective & emotional balance A meditation to help release worry & anxiety

Episode 2: Fear of judgment

Fear of what people might think doesn’t have to stop you. You always have the power to do what’s right for you, even if your mind is screaming, “But what will people think?“   Resources & References Definition of power What I wish I’d known before my first Kundalini yoga class   Quotes on being […]

Episode 1: Welcome to the Pure Light podcast

Welcome to the Pure Light Podcast! This intro episode covers the meaning behind the name, what this show is about, and what to expect coming up.   Resources & References Kundalini yoga Estonia Estonian version of google Aili name meaning (in Estonian) and translation (in English) Katherine name meaning International yoga day

Introducing my new podcast: Pure Light

When I was in my last year of high school, we had to write statements of truth for my English class every Friday. A statement of truth was exactly what it sounded like: a statement we believed to be true based on our experience of life. Most of the ones I wrote have faded from […]