Episode 111: How to find peace in times of massive uncertainty
How can you find peace, no matter what’s going on in the world?
Episode 110: Two kinds of hesitation
What is your hesitation trying to tell you?
Episode 105: What is indecision costing you?
Are you constantly going around in circles about what to do?
What impact is that having on you?
Episode 92: Permission
Do you allow yourself to do what feels right?
Or do you hold yourself back?
Episode 89: Are negative thoughts getting in your way?
When you think, “I can’t do that,” does that stop you? What would be possible for you if you didn’t let that get in your way?
Episode 70: Are you on the right path?
Do you ever wonder, “Is this what I’m supposed to be doing with my life?” Only you can tell if you’re on the right path. You can only tell based on how it feels. Resources & References Related episodes: Signs from the universe Are you waiting for permission? The first step towards inner peace […]
Episode 68: What it really means to believe in yourself
Confidence isn’t a feeling, or about thinking you can do it. It’s about finding the willingness to give yourself a chance. Resources & References Related episodes: What hesitation has to do with confidence Confidence myths
Episode 66: The upside of rejection
What would be possible for you if you stopped fearing rejection? Rejection is just data. It’s the universe saying, “This is not your path.” It can change your perspective on risk. It helps you see possibilities that you may not have considered before, and be more intentional about your path. Resources & References Article: […]
Episode 59: “I can’t do that. That’s impossible.”
When something seems impossible, it can either be a stopping point, or the beginning of a new reality. Choosing to challenge your limiting beliefs is what makes the impossible possible. Resources & References Related episodes: “I can’t do that. I’m not that kind of person.” Do your dreams seem impossible? Here’s why that’s a […]
Episode 54: What resistance looks like
When you’re working on an important creative or entrepreneurial project, does resistance ever get in your way? Would you notice if it did? Resources & References “Most of us have two lives. The life we live, and the unlived life within us. Between the two stands Resistance.” –Steven Pressfield, The War of Art […]