Pure Light Podcast

The difference between diets & detoxes

The first time I did a detox, it seemed crazy to me as well as the people around me. (I wasn’t a healthy eater back then, so the prospect of cutting unhealthy stuff out of my diet for 2 weeks felt overwhelming because it seemed like there was nothing left for me to eat.) That was […]

The spiral of negative thinking

This is what I’ve noticed about how it all starts for me (and it further illustrates why you’ve gotta believe that anything’s possible, as well as how important it is to start meditating): Further reading: A crazy good decision

How anything becomes possible

Sometimes, it’s hard to believe that anything’s possible. But it is. Watch and see how anything can become possible: p.s. Today’s day 20 of my 40-day video-a-day experiment. When I started, I wasn’t even sure that I’d make it this far. I’m going to keep expanding my sense of what’s possible. Fingers crossed.

Feel like you have no choice?

I suspect you probably do. Here’s why: p.s. In case you have any interest in checking out my blog from the travels referenced in the video, here are a couple of posts for you: it’s a bird! it’s a plane! it’s… and i quote 5 photo album 2

Are you expecting the worst?

If the answer is yes, you can stop that right now. Here’s why (and it’s deeper than the standard “you’ll find it”):