Pure Light Podcast

Meet your guide

Hi! My name is Aili Kuutan.

I can help you do what you feel called to do (no matter what you’ve been telling yourself).

I’m a coach, mentor coach, and Kundalini yoga & meditation teacher (with a degree in Engineering).

On top of that, I understand the anger and frustration you feel from not knowing how to get out of your own way.

I know how overwhelming it is to keep blaming yourself for not having what you want . . . and for questioning whether or not you even deserve it.

I can help you filter the noise inside your head so that you know what direction you want to go in and build momentum to get there.

“Aili helped me discover things about myself that I didn’t realize about who I am. Those insights have changed my life.

Now what I do has real meaning and intention.

I feel more in control of my life and empowered to do what I want. Instead of letting life happen to me, I’m creating it.”
