Pure Light Podcast

Meditation for inner peace

A Kundalini yoga practice


Here’s a quick re-cap of the instructions:

Sit cross-legged on the ground.

Straighten your spine.

Place your left hand on the chest with the fingers parallel to the ground and pointing straight to the right.

Bring your right hand into a saluting position, with your elbow near your ribs and the hand near the shoulder with the palm facing forward.

Bring your right hand into Gyan mudra, with the index finger and thumb touching and the other 3 fingers remaining straight.

Close your eyes.

Inhale deeply. Suspend the breath in, holding it for as long as possible without straining or gasping.

Exhale completely. Suspend the breath out, locking it out for as long as possible without straining or gasping.

Repeat this pattern of long, deep breathing, suspending on both the inhale and exhale, for 3 minutes. You can work your way up to 31 minutes.

To end, inhale and exhale strongly 3 times.

 Relax & enjoy!


❤ Aili