Pure Light Podcast

“Aili helped me discover things about myself that I didn’t realize about who I am. Those insights have changed my life. Now what I do has real meaning and intention. I feel more in control of my life and empowered to do what I want. Instead of letting life happen to me, I’m creating it.”

This could totally change your life.

One client came to me totally convinced that she needed a career change. Here’s what she had to say after the experience:

[sc_embed_player fileurl=”https://purelightpodcast.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/03/recipeforradianceresult.mp3″]

After this experience, you can expect to

  • Make better choices to get what you want out of life
  • Experience greater self-acceptance by understanding yourself at a deeper level
  • Feel less dependent on the opinions and approval of others
  • Raise your standards and give yourself permission to want more
  • Find the courage to try new things and prioritize yourself
  • Have clarity on what you need to do next
  • Feel energized and empowered to take action
  • Be happier and more confident about who you are

Aili helped me discover insights that I didn’t realize about who I am. I feel more in control of my life and empowered to do the things I want to do.

Recipe for Radiance Result


[haiku url=”https://purelightpodcast.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/03/recipeforradianceresult.mp3″ title=”Recipe for Radiance Result” graphical=true]

I discovered things that I didn’t realize about who I am. Those insights have changed my life such that now what I do is grounded with real meaning and intention, and I feel empowered to do the things I want to do. Instead of letting life happen to me, I am creating it.
I discovered insights about myself so that what I do has real meaning and intention instead of ju
Now, instead of letting life happen to me, I am creating it.


Let’s be honest: You’re here for a reason.

You know that something needs to change.

You want to be your best self and realize the potential you have inside, yet despite your best intentions, something’s getting in the way, and you’re not sure what it is…

You feel stuck. Like something’s missing. And wonder, How is this my life?

Deep down, you’re terrified that


You’re angry and frustrated — with yourself.

Wishing you had a magic wand to make yourself confident

sort through all the self-doubt, let go of the judgement and just be yourself.

You know that this isn’t how you want to live your life.

And that it’s time to define a new way of being in this world.